COFFEE SCIENCE: fjórða fundur

Rif Field Station er ánægður með að tilkynna fjórða fund Coffee Science 2023 þann 22. ágúst frá 17:00 til 18:00 á Félaginu Bar Raufarhöfn.

Coffee Science is partially funded by the Northeast Iceland Development Fund, SSNE.

“Studying Iceland’s largest inhabitants: whale research at the University of Iceland’s Húsavík Research Centre”

Icelandic waters provide a habitat for the largest animals on the planet. Since 2007, the University of Iceland’s Húsavík Research centre has been studying the porpoises, dolphins and whales in Skjálfandi Bay and around the country. Together with a student internship program and collaborations with local and international organizations and researchers, long-term photo-identification and acoustic research has enabled us to recognize individual animals and make fascinating and important scientific discoveries about their individual and collective life history strategies.

Charla J. Basran is a Canadian marine biologist who has been studying whales for over a decade. After completing a master’s degree in marine and coastal management at the University Centre of the Westfjords in Ísafjörður, she moved to Húsavík to conduct her Ph.D. work on entanglement of humpback whales in fishing gear through the University of Iceland. She now works at the Húsavík Research Centre as a post-doctoral researcher, overseeing the student internship program and working on whale photo-identification and acoustics.

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