Annað kaffispjallið ber yfirskriftina: Auðnir og ryk: Umfang og áhrif vindrofs á Íslandi

Rif Field Station is pleased to announce the second session of Coffee Science 2023 on June 22nd from 5pm to 6pm at the Félaginn Bar Raufarhöfn.

Coffee Science is partially funded by the Northeast Iceland Development Fund, SSNE.

“Auðnir og ryk: Umfang og áhrif vindrofs á Íslandi” by Hlynur Óskarsson.

Iceland is the main source of dust in the North Atlantic and in his talk Hlynur will discuss the various processes that generate dust, the main dust source areas, the extent of dust deposition and various negative and positive consequences dust deposition has.

Hlynur Óskarsson is a professor and Head of Graduate Studies at the Agricultural University of Iceland. He is an ecosystem ecologist, and his research has focused on soil, hydrology and carbon dynamics of intact and disturbed ecosystems.

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